12-13 MARCH 2025
Amsterdam, The Netherlands


Register in 4 easy steps:

1. Check out pricing and what is included on each ticket below
2. Select the best option for you
3. Click on REGISTER under your chosen registration type
4. Complete the registration form to join us in Amsterdam

Exhibitors & Sponsors, Press, and Speakers / Contributors: click here

Payment: as of 26 February 2025, payment for a Delegate Pass will only be possible via Credit Card; it will not be possible to pay at the venue. Registration onsite is not advised, to avoid long queues; in addition, to register onsite you will need to provide us with either a valid business email address or official business card prior to entry at the venue.

Contact us if you need help registering, or if you have other questions at: info@european-industrial-energy-days.com.

Terms & Conditions  |  Privacy Policy

Large Energy User Delegate

Open to those representing a Company that consumes energy on an industrial scale, such as:

  • Heavy industries (steel, metals, cement, chemicals, pulp & paper, mining, petroleum refining, glass).
  • Light industries (food processing, textiles, automotive, electronics).

As a Delegate at European Industrial Energy Days 2025 you will gain access to our Full 2 Day Summit, including ALL sessions, plus our Exhibition, Networking Receptions and Lunch. 

FEE*: €0 / FREE

*Large Energy User Delegates are subject to approval. Clarion Events reserves the right to charge for the correct pass type if registered parties do not meet the necessary criteria


Open to those who work in the industrial energy value chain (inc. service companies, consultancies and legal, digital and tech)

As a Delegate at European Industrial Energy Days 2025 you will gain access to our Full 2 Day Summit, including ALL sessions, plus our Exhibition, Networking Receptions and Lunch. 



Sponsors / Exhibitors

Exhibitors and Sponsors can register for their Sponsor/Exhibitor Passes via the Sponsor & Exhibitor Portal which will be available shortly.

Speakers / Contributors

Speakers and Contributors will be provided with a specific Registration link by the European Industrial Energy Days Team in due course. Please contact us if you have further questions.

Press & Media

If you are an accredited member of the Press and would like to join us in Amsterdam, please email Patrick.Bauduin@clarionevents.com
EIED 2025 register

Before you go!

Don’t forget to secure your spot to attend European Industrial Energy Days: